
4.22.16 | Hissho Cleans Up for Earth Day!

Hissho celebrated Earth Day a few days early by donning rubber gloves, grabbing a trash bag and heading outside to clean up our 13+ acres of property. Now that might seem like a lot of territory to cover, but we have over 50 people at our HQ in Charlotte. Most came out to participate, including our traniees, to scour spaces for bits of trash large and small. Collectively we got a whole lot more than we bargained for, and promptly filled up large garbage bags. It’s amazing how much trash collects “all by itself” without constant montioring.
After the trash was collected, we treated ourselves to delicious popsicles by our Hissho “Lake” which is actually a pretty large retaining pond with a fountain in the middle. It’s a lovely space to spend time relaxing, eating, talking, or to just get out of the office for some sunshine. The popsicles were delicious, and we had the “good” stuff!
Hisshonians do this clean-up usually 2-3 times a year, and it always makes us feel so proud when we’ve finished. Our property is beautiful, and we like keeping it that way!
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